Finasteride / Finalo / Fincar FINASTERIDE CategorySynthetic polycyclic steroidsActionPreferential inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase (Type II) enzymeThis enzyme converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone that cause enlargement of prostateIndicationBenign prostatic hypertrophyReduce prostate size without affecting semen quality and testosterone production DoseDog-0. 1-0.5 mg/kg OD PO ContraindicationsUsed only in males not femaleAdverse EffectsIn breeding animals, it can get secreted into semen, can cause fetal abnormalities.AvailabilityTablet finalo (1mg) Tablet fincar (5mg) DOSE CALCULATOR Related posts: Neostigmine / Tilstigmin Triclabendazole / olgard / fasinex / triclasole / triclamar Butorphanol / Butdol Diphenhydramine / Benadryl AH / Hydramin / VCofex Oestradiol benzoate / Pregheat Sevelamer / acutrol / renagel Intalyte (Infusions)