Ketorolac / Ketodrops / Kelac / Ketorol KETOROLAC CategoryNSAIDsActionCox InhibitorsIndicationAnterior uveitisUlceration keratitis (when topical corticosteroids are contraindicated)DoseCat & dog @ 1drop per eye at 6-24hr intervalAs an analgesics @ 0.25mg/kg IM BID/TID in cats and 0.3-0.5 mg/kg IV IM BID/TID in dogContraindicationsRenal diseaseAdverse EffectsThis may cause the eye to sting for a short period after applicationThis can affect and delay wound healingThis can affect platelets causing an inability to clot bloodThis can cause local irritation resulting in redness and irritation of the tissues surrounding the eyeAvailabilityKetodrops LS 5mlTab kelac 10mgInj ketorol 1ml (30mg/ml) DOSE CALCULATOR Related posts: Activated dimethicone / Simethicone / bloatosil / Tymfree / gastina / cymbi / blucil Ivermectin / Neomec / neomec sx / neomec la / Avertin / Hitek / Iverix / fendikind Oxybutynin / Oxyspas / Cystran / Tropon Deriphyllin Darbepoetin / Cresp / Dargen Dinoprost tromethamine Sodium thiosulphate